Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Allah If I worshipped you out of fear

The famous Sufi woman, Rabi'a al-Adawiyyah said:

"My God {Allah} , If I worshipped you out of fear of the fire, then burn me with the fire of hell and if I worshipped you out of desire for paradise, then deprive me of it, but if I worshipped you for your love; then don't deprive me, my Allah, of your eternal beauty".

She also said: "I did not worship Him fearing His fire and desiring His paradise, then I would be like a bad hired hand; but I worshipped Him out of love and yearning for Him".


  1. salamunalaikum akhee!

    Great said! AmAZIng!!!

    Akhee ur given an inspiration award. come and take it plz.

  2. Assalamualekum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.
    brother is it correct to say : If I worshipped you out of fear of the fire, then burn me with the fire of hell and if I worshipped you out of desire for paradise, then deprive me of it
    .Please tell ...plz dont mind i have a doubt thats why clearing my brother.
    jazaak ALLAH khair
