Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Tearful Pray of Muslimah

 O Allah! All Glory and Praise is for YOU.

O Allah! everyone leaves me in darkness and in loneliness but YOU are always there to support me.

O Allah everyone hates me but YOU showers love to me
No matter how many sins i have done YOU forgive on one tear of ASTAGHFAR

O Allah! I get betrayal from people but YOU never cheat upon me

O Allah! YOU love me and YOU are sufficient for me our LORD
O Allah! YOU see my pain whereas others ignore my wounds

O Allah thanks for every blessing YOU have showered upon me.
O Allah thanks for making me ummati of YOUR Beloved Prophet Muhammad
(Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Ameen Ya Rabbal Aalameen

A tearful pray by my beloved sis Yasmeen Ummati


  1. Assalamualekum,
    Thanks brother.
    Jazaak ALLAH khair for publishing..:)

  2. Wallaikum Assalaam My Beloved sis yasneen.. may allah bless you by billion blessings a day..a'ameen
